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How to make Bookshelf Speakers Wireless

The easiest way to make bookshelf speakers wireless is to power them with a small amplifier that connects to a bluetooth or wifi connection to the sound source like your phone.

In 2018/19 it's never been easier to repurpose the bookshelf speakers you have lying around in your basement or attic. All you need is a small stereo power amp, usually under $300, and a bluetooth dongle. Better yet, Amazon now make products that connect directly to your speakers that can make your bookshelf speakers "smarter".

What to do

First inspect your old bookshelf speakers and make sure they are in good shape. Plug them into your old receiver or amp an see if they still sound ok. If they do here are some products that will give them a whole new life.

Amazon Echo Input
This nifty little device hooks up to any small stereo amp you can get on Amazon and otherwise works just like any other echo. Ask it questions, play music, whatever an Echo can do, it can do.  Though you do need your own amp, the Echo Input is a simple solution.
A side benefit, the Mini Home Audio  and the BT20A seen below also have bluetooth connection.

If you're more of a Google guy or gal you can also with the Google Chromecast or simply use the bluetooth connection to one of the above listed amps. Either way you made use of those old speakers which most likely will blow away any bluetooth speaker you currently have laying around your home.

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