Think of them as tiny speakers that help you block out the world. Help your kid study better with in-ear noise isolating headphones. Unline noise cancelling headphones which only block certain frequencies that have a droning feature like jet engines and air ducts, noise isolating headphones will heavily deaden all surrounding noise. The
Sony MDREX85LP/BLK Soft Earbud w/ Soft Clip & Case
will fit the bill perfectily in this case allowing the wearer to concentrate on the task at hand rather than the surrounding partying, I mean dorm noise.
Of course if your student has a taste in loud music or gets too into listening, these will do absolutely nothing to promote better studying. But at under $40 at least they won't break the bank.
Sony not your style? (pun intended) check out other noise isolating headphones at Amazon.
Search for noise isolating earbuds
Search for sony in ear headphones